December 10th, 2010

Finishing things started is an integral part of KCF's educational focus and many of the older boys defies the odds by going back to school, sat with little children as teenagers, learned formally all the way through grade 8 and enrolled in trades to finally earn their certificates in several professional fields.  When you think and consider that many left school in grade one or two and still others never went to school because of whatever the reason that forced them onto the streets, this indeed is a job well done.

To give an idea of the school system here, in the primary grades teachers use a certain percentage of the vernacular language to foster comprehension.  When that student moves to junior and senior secondary, vernacular is nonexistent leaving one to read, write, speak and comprehend in this newly learned language – English.  This is the reason why some of the boys opted to leave school at grade 8 because trying to function in eight subject areas all conducted in English with homework etc, it became very difficult.

We are continually grateful to you our supporters for understanding and encouraging our education team in counseling these boys in exploring the best future possibilities for them.  For the eight boys that went to trade school it proved fruitful as all of them submitted to the yearlong rigorous training, apprenticeship and successfully passed their trade examinations in Food Production and Carpentry and Joinery.  Please join us in thanking God and congratulating these young men on a job well done.

Talking about job, please also pray with us as they begin the process of securing gainful employment, as their futures slowly become a reality.--Warren & Vicky Carr